Tips to keep weight off

by - July 11, 2016

The scary truth: about 20 percent of Americans who were overweight and obese lost weight and kept it off while the rest gained weight back. The first challenge is getting the motivation and willpower to lose the weight but it's an even bigger challenge to keep it off. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn't always easy, but can be done. Here are a few successful tips that has helped people 

1.Write it all down

  • Tracking everything you eat leads to more weight loss, studies show. Blog it, photograph it, or log it in your smartphone for a couple of weeks to reveal if you’re self-sabotaging with over-sized portions or too much junk, says Marissa Lippert, RD.
2. Make a "red flag" list
  • Include habits that have derailed you in the past (like stopping for an a.m. doughnut or putting off grocery shopping). Post it somewhere visible, like your bathroom mirror, so it’ll be easier to spot (and stop!) old habits pronto.
3. Make the transition from losing to maintaining as seamless as possible.
  • Losing weight in a way that is closest to what maintaining will feel like may bring about the most success. The optimal way to lose weight is a way in which the changes from weight loss to maintenance are minimized. If you lose weight on a very unusual diet like a grapefruit diet, where you’re only eating one type of food or you’re on a liquid meal plan, it can make it more difficult to transition to maintenance. You maybe know what to do for weight loss, but then you have to relearn what to do to eat a normal healthy diet. You want to learn in the beginning what it feels like to be on a more wholesome diet and incorporate more exercise into your daily routine. This will build a healthier pattern that is more long term. 
4. Be active. Really active
  • Staying active is key to maintaining weight loss, even if it’s just brisk walking. engaging in 30-60 minutes of physical activity is ideal.
5. Don’t spend as much time in front of the TV.
  • How do you find the time to fit in all that fitness? Limit the amount of time spent in front of the TV. Not only limiting your time for exercise but it also helps avoid snacking. A lot of us tend to snack on junk food while TV. You're getting a double benefit by cutting down on TV: Burning more calories from  physical activities and consuming less calories from that junk food
    6. They are consistent with their eating habits.
    • One reason there is a weight problem in the U.S. is that there are delicious foods that are high in calories are easily accessible. Instead of picking your lunch from endless possibilities, try sticking to set of foods you know you will be successful with.
    7. Find support.
    • Accomplishing just about any goal feels more attainable with a team of cheerleaders by your side. Social support has been linked to weight loss and maintenance in research and anecdotally among couples, friends and groups who tackle their goals together. Whether it’s making a date with a gym buddy or checking in with a fitness-tracking app, sharing maintenance plans with a support team can help you stay accountable. 
    8.They stay positive.
    • Focus on how much better you feel and how you're able to do more physical things now than you could in the past.Think of all the positive changes in your life because of your weightless.
      9.They get enough sleep.
      • There’s a lot of evidence  and studies done showing that when we don’t get enough sleep, we rely on more food to energize our days. And, unfortunately, our sleep-deprived cravings are not usually for the most nutritious option. Skimping on sleep probably won’t single-handedly ruin weight maintenance goals, but arming yourself with sufficient shut-eye is certainly a good place to start.

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