Nerium Q&A

by - December 30, 2018

You've probably seen posts about my Nerium business, and maybe you're intrigued but have questions. Let's get some of your questions answered.

✔ Why does it cost money to sign up?
✔ How long before I make money?
✔ Does this type of business really work? (My friend/family member says it doesn't)
✔ Is it one of those pyramid schemes?
✔ Are you trying to make money off me?
✔ Is it a scam?
✔ Can I try it out for a month?
✔ How can I fit it into a full-time job and family?

1. “Why does it cost money to sign up?” 
Because it’s a BUSINESS, not a JOB. You are becoming a business owner and your startup kit with the product portfolio is your “store”. Your kit is full of products that you get to use for yourself and your family AND use as a tax deduction.

2. “How long before I make money?” 
Nerium has steps to success and all of the tools you need to make money. However, YOU determine your success. I am here to train, encourage and support you, bit it’s up to YOU what you want out of Nerium. This business works if YOU do. You make money on the very first sale. There is no quota to meet.

3. “My friend/family member tried a business like this and says it doesn’t work.” 
I’m gonna go with “No, your friend/family member just didn’t work.”

4. “Is it one of those pyramid schemes?”
You mean where all the people on the top make all the money, take the long vacations, fly on jets, and get all the stock options while the people on the bottom work the most for the least amount of money and get 2-3 weeks vacation every year? No!!! That’s called CORPORATE AMERICA!!
Pyramid schemes are illegal, and I wouldn’t be part of something like that.

5. “Are you trying to make money off me?” 
No, I’m trying to make money WITH you.

6. “Is it a scam?”
I would never try to mislead my friends and family - many of whom are now enjoying the benefits of amazing skin and financial freedom. One of the most respected businessmen in the world wouldn’t base their next business on a “scam.” Social commerce is changing the landscape and OPPORTUNITIES like this have emerged.

7. “Can I try it for a month and see how I do?” 
YES, you actually have 30 days to try it 🙂. And if you're not happy, you get every penny back.

8. “How do you fit it into a full-time job and family?”
You’re able to work where you want, when you want...during lunch break, before work, running errands, etc. If you catch yourself offering advice or making recommendations to friends about other products or restaurants, you work Nerium the same way. There are no party requirements, no deliveries, no handling money. Customers shop your website, it’s shipped straight to them.

Now... The next step is to message me and start building YOUR time freedom. It’s happening RIGHT NOW with my team.  Click here to join my team

It’s YOUR TIME to get started. I would love to be on this journey with you!!! 😃

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